Monday, October 17, 2016

Good Health numbers

HDL (good cholestrol) > 50
LDL (bad cholestrol) < 100 (best is < 50 - that is centenarian type)

Total cholestrol (HDL + LDL) < 200

High cholestrol means heart attack risk (#1 killer)
Obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and smoking are 4 other risk factors.

Cholesterol ---   <  200
HDL  ---  40  ---  60
LDL  ---    <  100
VLDL --     <  30
Triglycerides --   <  150

Borderline --200 -- 239
High ----    >  240
V.High --    >  250

Borderline --130 ---159
High ---  160  ---  189
V.High --  > 190

Borderline - 150 -- 199
High --   200  ---  499
V.High --     >   500

1.50  Lac  ----  4.50 Lac

Vitamin-D --  50   ----  80
Uric Acid --  3.50  ---  7.20

Urea  ---   17   ---   43
Calcium --  8.80  --  10.60
Sodium --  136  ---  146
Protein  --   6.40  ---  8.30

           HIGH BP
120/80 --  Normal
130/85 --Normal  (Control)
140/90 --  High
150/95 --  V.High

         LOW BP
120/80 --  Normal
110/75 --  Normal  (Control)
100/70 --  Low
90//65 --   V.Low

Glucose (F) --  70  ---  100
(12 hrs Fasting)
Glucose (PP) --  70  --- 140
(2 hrs after eating)
Glucose (R) --  70  ---  140
(After 2 hrs)
Male --  13  ---  17
Female --  11 ---  15
RBC Count  -- 4.50 -- 5.50

72  per minute (standard)
60 --- 80 p.m. (Normal)
40 -- 180  p.m.(abnormal)

98.4 F    (Normal)
99.0 F Above  (Fever)

Please help your Relatives, Friends by sharing this information....

Heart Attacks And Drinking Warm Water:

This is a very good article. Not only about the warm water after your meal, but about Heart Attack's . The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals, not cold water, maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating. For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is very Harmful to have Cold Drink/Water during a meal. Because, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer . It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.

French fries and Burgers
are the biggest enemy of heart health. A coke after that gives more power to this demon. Avoid them for
your Heart's & Health.

Drink one glass of warm water just when you are about to go to bed to avoid clotting of the blood at night to avoid heart attacks or strokes.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

A Virtual assistant for Raspberrry Pi

It is made following the nice book on the subject by Tanay Pant - Building a Virtual Assistant for Raspberry Pi (APress)
This is similar though much simplified version of products like Google Home or Amazon Echo.
The idea is to use the Raspberry Pi based Virtual Assistant as one of the interfaces for Amigo chatbot project.
Ria uses Google STT (Speech to text) API and espeak on Linux (or say on OSX) for TTS (Text to speech).
Currently supported skills/features:
  1. Play music from configured path on local disk
  2. Read news headlines scrapping news from
  3. Take notes and store in local sqllite DB
  4. Tell time
  5. Tell local weather of configured city
  6. Post tweets on twitter
  7. Look up wikipedia and read a short description for any term, person or place (anything on wikipedia).

Source available on Github:

Movie Recommender System (CMPE 277)

Movie recommender built using Apache Spark + mongo DB + Android App

Uses Spark MLlib model based collaborative filtering for movie recommendation (Alternating Least Squares algorithm).

Project sources are at:

  1. - Apache Spark + Mongo DB based backend service for movie recommendations
  2. - Android App

Popular micro services patterns

Here are some popular Microservice design patterns that a programmer should know: Service Registry  pattern provides a  central location  fo...