Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Some useful Eclipse shortcut keys

  • Cnrtl + O - show all methods and properties of the current editor's class.
  • Cntl + Shift + O - fix import statements.
  • Cntl + Shift + F - format code.
  • Cntl + 1 - show quick fix recommendations.
  • Cntl + F6 - toggle between editors
  • Cntl + E - show all open editors
  • Alt + left/right arrow - move to last edit location
  • Cntl + M - toggle maximize and minimize current editor
  • Cntl + J - incremental search (searches as you type)
  • Cntl + Shift + J - incremental backwards search.
  • Cntl + K - find next
  • Cntl + Shift + K - find previous
  • Cntl + Shift + L - Shows currently defined shortcut keys (same as Help > Key Assist).
  • Cntl + L - go to line.
  • Cntl + Shift + G - generate getters/setters.
  • Cntl + Alt + G - find text in workspace.

Popular micro services patterns

Here are some popular Microservice design patterns that a programmer should know: Service Registry  pattern provides a  central location  fo...